
- Mover & Shake Web-store
- Mover & Shake
Prod. by The Flavor Design®︎ [About] [Time / Space / Experience] We think that all things and things are connected by ideas. We will continue to search for answers in new ways that illuminate our intuition. Mover & Shake = Question We will continue to draw that it is our value to change and continue to communicate. [ 時間・空間・体感 ] 私たちはすべてのコト、モノを発想でつないでいると考えます。 直感を照らす新たなる形に答えを探し続けます。 Mover & Shake = Question 変化すること、発信し続ける事が、私たちの価値だと描き進みます。 Shake Blend (Fragrance) From The Flavor Design®︎ Flagship Store “Osaka” Select more than 100 kinds of fragrances for each season of selected Fragrance. Layer your favorite scent in the mood of the day. Please choose your favorite Blend and enjoy it. The Flavor Design®︎ Flagship Store “Osaka”より 選りすぐりのFragranceを季節ごとに100種類以上の香りをセレクト。 お好みの香りをその日の気分で重ね付け。 お客様で選んで頂きお好きな Blend をお楽しみ下さい。 Shake Brand (Select) A gallery space like an atelier that changes with each season. A design store that expresses the world view with all five senses and offers a unique style. Shake Brand (Select) シーズンごとに変化するアトリエのようなギャラリー空間。 世界観を五感で表現し独自のスタイルを提供するデザインストア。 アーティストとアイデアとデザイナーが交差する最先端の新コンセプトショップ。 [Store] #D, 1F, Nishitani Bld. 3rd, 1-10-11,Minamihorie,Nishi-Ku,Osaka-shi OSAKA, 550-0015, Japan Monday - Sunday: 11AM - 7PM JST [Contact] About the store & All other inquiries, please contact: Customer Service Hours: 11AM - 7PM JST Web-store & Shipping inquiries, please contact: Customer Service Hours: 11AM - 7PM JST Company: THE FLAVOR WORKS inc. #D, 1F, Nishitani Bld. 3rd, 1-10-11,Minamihorie,Nishi-Ku,Osaka-shi OSAKA, 550-0015, Japan