The Flavor Design®︎ Uniform Clothing
We produce all kinds of clothes such as shop coats, all-in-one, daily T-shirts and masks as uniforms of The Flavor Design®︎. It is a work that is full of insistence such as print ink, body purchase, and bespoke production. At our shop, we sell these specially.
The Flavor Design®︎ / Perfume T-Shirt / White
6,600 JPY
The Flavor Design®︎ / Relax T-Shirt / White
6,600 JPY
The Flavor Design®︎ / Fragrance T-Shirt / White
6,600 JPY
The Flavor Design®︎ / Perfume T-Shirt / Black
6,600 JPY
The Flavor Design®︎ / Relax T-Shirt / Black
6,600 JPY
The Flavor Design®︎ / Fragrance T-Shirt / Black
6,600 JPY
The Flavor Design®︎ Fregrance
THE HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS IN JAPAN. Laid back atmosphere with soothing fragrance, We present a variety of prolific items. 日本で最高品質の製品を。 心地よい香りとリラックスタイム、オリジナリティ、ヴァリエーション豊かなアイテムをご提案いたします。
A Love Movement × TFD®︎
ALM patches can be customized at the Mover & Shake store or online. For details, please check the explanation column at the URL. ALMのワッペンは、Mover & Shake店頭やオンラインでカスタマイズオーダー可能です。 詳しくは、URLの説明欄をご確認ください。
Sunset Craftsman Co. x TFD®︎
One of the major features is that the high quality is maintained by performing the entire process until completion by one craftsman. Except for sewing work using a sewing machine, we are fully handmade. 職人1人の手で完成までの全工程を行うことで、高い品質を保ち続けていることは大きな特徴の1つ。ミシンを使う縫製作業以外は、フルハンドメイドによって、ものづくりを行っています。